Keep your expectations in check. — David Brady Helps

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Keep your expectations in check.

Keep your expectations in check.

Now, we are in a time where the simplest activities can become the most complicated of drama. But they don't have to be.

Perfection is the acceptance of imperfection - nothing can be perfect; therefore, everything is perfect. 

Your family dinner will not resemble Norman Rockwell's Freedom from Want. It can't be. Because Norman Rockwell is not designing your life - you get to do that.  

Your time with loved ones will include all kinds of discussions across an array of topics - and that's what people do when they get together.  

People in your life may want alone time - and that's a great way to self-care. 

"Holidays are for family" is a misnomer. The holiday season is for preparation and recognition. It's for thinking about what's to come and recognizing what was and is - but you can do that any time. So what are the holidays really for? Unless your religious, nothing that truly matters. Because what truly matters is what matters to you.  

Keep your expectations in check.  

Would you work extra hard for 0.05%?

Would you work extra hard for 0.05%?

How are you talking to yourself?

How are you talking to yourself?