How can I do all of this work and not see growth? — David Brady Helps

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How can I do all of this work and not see growth?

How can I do all of this work and not see growth?

If you're doing work that matters for people who care, then growth in the form of getting to do it again the next day - but better. But I don't think that's the question you're trying to answer.

Perhaps you're thinking, how do you elevate your status in consideration for the work you've done? And that could be money, title, or how you think others perceive you. And if that's the case, what will you do once you have status?

Status signals to others that they should perceive you as valuable. That you have achieved something significant. That you are to be respected.

Consider that earning a master's degree signals others to perceive you as more of an expert in your field. Having a title of "Manager" lets others know that you're someone to listen to. Buying the biggest house on the block signals to others you have disposable resources. But these signals only are the cover - they don't show the substance.

Real influence comes from earning trust, respect, and a story. A story that others will tell themselves about the work you do and why it matters to them. That can only happen if you serve the others.

Back to the original question - how can I do all of this work and not see growth? Perhaps you're looking for the red herring of status and not embracing the beauty of bettering the lives of those you seek to serve.

Imagine if we measured our lives not by our titles or our degrees but by the number of people who asked us to do the generous work of serving their needs.

I see nothing but growth and possibility.

The reason to live.

The reason to live.

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