When you're smarter than Waze.

When you're smarter than Waze.

… Go with your gut!

According to my phone's GPS, it takes 15 minutes to go from my home to the airport. Mostly, by way of the expressway.

Interestingly, it takes five minutes longer if I use the city streets.

Depending on what time I leave for the airport, I may choose to take the 5-minute extended version. My gut just says it's the right thing to do at 8am. Why?

Because, while it might take more time to reach my destination, I have the option of 10 different paths to reach the airport using a combination of side streets. By contrast, while the expressway is faster, it leaves little in the way of options should there be a slow-down.

Our phone's GPS doesn't account for our desire for options, scenic routes, or variety. It dispassionately calculates based on distance, possible traffic, and speed - it doesn't feel what we feel, it doesn't feel.

Life is no different.

If we play life by a set of rules (read: the phone's GPS), we get life by a set of rules. I'm not interested in living my life that way. I'd like to take the scenic route every once in a while. Or perhaps, enjoy the experience of having options. Or, maybe, just maybe, do something different because it felt good.

Trust your gut!

People make sense when you realize that they don't make sense.

People make sense when you realize that they don't make sense.

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What do kids, sticks, and a playful mind have anything to do with your career?