Here's 1 reason why you probably don't have enough toilet paper.

Here's 1 reason why you probably don't have enough toilet paper.

If you try to understand "why" humans are purchasing toilet paper at an alarming rate, you'll probably come up with a few reasons:

  • The coronavirus.

  • Quarantine.

  • Everyone's buying one, so we need to have one.

Consider the below:

  • Where were we before toilet paper?

  • Why aren't Filipinos buying more toilet paper?  

  • What are you really scared of?

First, we've existed without toilet paper before. Be it a bidet, or a leaf, we were and will survive.    

Second, Filipinos (and other cultures) don't use toilet paper and are thriving without, even amid the pandemic.  

Third, I don't think your fear of a virus is driving the purchase of toilet paper. If it were, there'd be a shortage of garlic, onion, Vitamin D3/K2 supplements, olive leaf extract, and other anti-viral/immune-supporting foodstuffs. Instead, I think what we need is the one thing that the news media, our doctors, our friends, and even the people we call our family can't give us - reassurance.

Toilet paper represents reassurance.

That doesn't make sense, right? Of course, we'd be reassured by our family, friends, doctors, etc., right?

Sure.  But, they don't provide us with the safety, the feeling of reassurance that we crave because if they did, we wouldn't be lining up by the thousands to purchase more.  

If you want to change the game, make a difference, help others, then solve the problem your tribe isn't talking about. Give them the feeling that they crave, but don't realize.  

Sometimes, we humans only make sense when you accept that what we do often doesn't make sense. Perhaps that's why giving away free toilet paper may be the best way to introduce your service to someone... for now.  

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Who stole the Van Gogh piece from the Dutch museum?

People make sense when you realize that they don't make sense.

People make sense when you realize that they don't make sense.