Inside the mind.

Inside the mind.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to live with bipolar disorder?  

I was describing the feeling to a friend of mine the other day.  

  • It can feel like an intense desire to do more and believe yourself capable of doing everything.

  • It can feel like extreme focus - where even the slightest disturbance becomes a universal problem.

  • It can feel out-of-body - having a war of thoughts inside your head, but totally blank outside.

I lost the rest of the thought for this blog post... it's gone. There's someone in the other room speaking - it's consuming my thoughts.  

That's what it's like inside this mind sometimes. And I am sure being inside yours is just as beautiful and just as complicated.  

Update: after writing the blog, I walked toward the disturbance, told myself how grateful I am to live with family, and enjoyed told with them.

Play the gig.

Play the gig.

Write the letter.

Write the letter.