How to fail. — David Brady Helps

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How to fail.

When you fail, and you will today, stop and listen.

What happened just before?
What were you trying to do? What was the outcome you had hoped for?

How might you do it better?

  • Are you getting feedback that you can use from someone? Does the feedback help you achieve the outcome you had hoped for? Yes? Use it. No? Ask for clarification.

  • What if you tried the work again but changed one thing? What might you change?

  • How did the work resonate with the people I was trying to serve? Was it a dud? Or did it land, but not as good as it could? Tweak the song, change some words, adjust a graphic, adapt your approach.

Try again.
Fail again.
Grow again.

Are you creating an institution or a studio?

What to do when you fall.