"Look both ways... — David Brady Helps

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"Look both ways...

… before crossing the grocery store aisle,” is what parents will start teaching their children.

What’s our rush?

What’s our need to go so quickly that we risk hitting other people with our grocery carts?

How much time are we saving?

How much stress are we giving ourselves?

If you’re that person, remember:

  • You only live in this moment, does this moment need to be a stressful one?

  • You might save a few seconds, were the few seconds worth the cost?

  • Is the grocery store really the place for Grand Theft Auto style maneuvering?

If you know me, you know I have a lead foot - chalk it up to living in Miami for a spell.

But I have recently realized that the lead foot is not worth it.

Nor is the bruise from the shopping cart.

Look both ways!

Dried Contacts.

Temperance... it's a thing.