Your greatest reward is being invited back. — David Brady Helps

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Your greatest reward is being invited back.

Besides “your playing sounded ridiculously intentional” the next best compliment you can give a musician is to invite them back - to play again.

Coming back to play is the ultimate win because it means you get play again.

What if we looked at our failures that way?

Instead of beating ourselves up over a mishap at work, we could say to ourselves, “hey, I get to come back tomorrow and play again.”

Perhaps the goal is not to win the most games, but it’s to get the more opportunities to make the most of the moments we are given.

Perhaps the greatest reward we might get in this life is that each morning our eyes open, our lungs breathe, and we get invited back - to do it again - and this time - to do it better.

Welcome to Monday!

BIrds do it and bees do it.

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