A self-talk that might help.

When you do take things too personally, and you know you do. Try this:

  1. Take a walk or do something physical.

  2. Sit with the emotion and thank yourself for it. “Hey, I’m feeling this way now, and it’s okay.”

  3. Don’t avoid the feeling - endure it!

  4. Identify what behaviors you can implement to turn things around for yourself. Focusing o behaviors is a way to de-personalize.

I wonder if our early ancestors were tougher than we are today. Do you think?

Imagine the struggles and hardships they experienced and endured. If they had chosen not to endure it, then we might not be here.

I am forming the idea that the thing you and I can do more is endure our pain and suffering a bit more. To be thankful for that experience, and to learn from it. Imagine what great wisdom we could get from our pain? How might that wisdom help us help others?

If death is an inextricable part of life, so is suffering. And if that's true, then perhaps the one behavior that helps us move through the loss of a loved one or through our most painful moments is to endurance.

Perhaps our life’s story is our story of endurance.

Effect vs Affect

Taking things personally.