Hard things first. — David Brady Helps

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Hard things first.

I am going to focus on persisting this year.

Persisting through a creative project always feels hard, but it’s not. I just have to show up, do the work, and ship the work, everything else is outside my control. And that’s the problem… the everything else can be scary. What if people don’t like the work? What if it doesn’t resonate? What if it’s not perfect?

I think there are other ways I can help myself persist. I can be super clear about what I am trying to do upfront. And, most importantly, I can be super clear with myself about what I get out of the endeavor.

I write a lot about endurance, decisions, creativity, and culture… but I am still a work in progress. Just like you, I aspire to knock my work out of the park. Just like you, I don’t.

I find solace in a phrase Seth Godin says, “Write every day for 365 days, show me your writing, and I’ll show you that you have at least 1 good idea.”

Trying the new thing.

What others think and want for you.