I am advocating for that lady — David Brady Helps

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I am advocating for that lady

I met a blog reader, like you, the other day for coffee.

Amidst sips and conversation I noticed a friend (fellow musician) out of the corner of my eye. I had to say “hi.”

While we were exchanging greetings and quips, the reader noticed a person attempting to leave the coffee shop. My friends didn’t realize it, but they were blocking that person’s exit. The reader said: “I want to advocate for this lady attempting to leave, please take a step over.”

I love that language.

I write often about verbs and how our behaviors may tie to our perception of our life’s meaning. The verbs I often use for myself are help, connect, serve, write, or think.

Clearly this reader uses advocate.

What verb(s) do you use?

Simplifying ideas

An eye for an eye?