Simplifying energy — David Brady Helps

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Simplifying energy

When the ideas are running fast, the leg bounces to an unknown beat, and the eyes dart across the room as if every little thing surprises them; then you might have too much energy.

Too much energy may be a sign of a restless mind. A mind that cannot be content in its present.

Take all of the energy and simplify it.

Focus it on one thing.

Tell yourself, “I’m going to give this thing my full attention and energy for 5 minutes.” Then go at it.

When five minutes are up, see if you can give yourself another five. Go at it.

Give the mind’s eye a target to look at. Use your hands - write out what’s in your head. Make your eyes see that you’re doing something with your thoughts.

When the time is up, get up and walk away.

Don’t look back.

Go at the next thing.

The restless pressure cooker.
