An idea that I'm playing with — David Brady Helps

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An idea that I'm playing with

I’m trying to learn the big idea of quantum physics. Here’s a classic thought experiment involving a cat.

Put a cat named Schrödinger in a box with a radioactive device. Close and seal the box. Give the cat a 50% chance of being alive when you open the box an hour later. At the time you open the box the has a 50% chance of being alive and a 50% chance of being dead — therefore, the cat is both alive and dead. It’s only when you open the box and observe, or measure, the cat that you’ll know it’s fate.

Well what if our problems were the same way?

What if our stuck’ness had a 50/50 chance of being real or a product of our fear? What if it’s through our critical analysis of the problem (our measurement) that we discover what we think might be getting in our way is in fact not there?

Learn more about Schrödinger’s Cat here.

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