Thoughts on Philippines — David Brady Helps

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Thoughts on Philippines

I began this post believe I would share my perspective on the country. Now, after thinking about it, I don’t believe I can write that post.

The more I travel and see the world, the more I realize that one country is not better or worse than another — they are different. The Philippines is just as beautiful and just as ugly as any other place I’ve been — including my own country.

Like other places, possibly where you live, you’ll encounter hard working people. You’ll stress about traffic. You’ll know people that value time together. You’ll know people that value alone time. You’ll taste flavors that are different and you’ll enjoy the familiar. At a very high level — it’s not so dissimilar.

If the country is not any different than any other country, what might I value? Experiences.

Now, I believe what I lost most about visiting a new place is not the place, it’s what I learned from my experience in that place. And, from my experience in the Philippines, I’ve learned a few things:

  1. It’s hard to fine sugar-free or vegetable/seed-oil free food stuffs. I see that as an invitation to explore further!

  2. I do not remember a bad cup of coffee. I wish I knew more about the beans they grow here.

  3. Make the most of traffic jams — bring a book.

  4. I prefer less sweet and more smokey barbecue. How might I find more of that here?

  5. It’s possible that some US-based business leaders may undervalue the talents of the people here. And it’s possible some people here undervalue their own people. I believe these are people with tremendous optimism, drive, and entrepreneurial thinking.

  6. People will go to great lengths to connect with the things that matter to them.

On the whole, a beautiful experience. I’ve learned much.

Traveling alone

Thoughts on curiosity and naming things