David Brady Helps

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What I obsess over

Thinking of yesterday’s post; I wonder what I obsess about.

I obsess over how humans make decisions.

I am curious what factors go into a decision. For instance, why use “can” to start a question when you mean “will”? Is the intent to make a “lighter’ ask?

I am curious what value people derive from their decisions. For instance, leaving the news on all day — what’s the value in consuming 24/7 news? Is it a need to feel informed? And, what would the cost of not leaving on the news be?

I am curious about how people think about other people’s decisions. For instance, the decision to vote for someone of the opposite political party. Is that voter evil, misguided, thoughtful? And, what value is derived from the judgment?

I am curious about these things because I question the value of certainty. Knowing that our perception of the world is delayed, and words can mean so many things to so many people, and knowing that history can be remembered 100 different ways — what’s truly certain?

I come back to the idea I write most often: the only thing that’s certain is that life is uncertain. And, it’s the marriage between that paradox and human decision making that I find so beautiful, absurd, and — mostly harmless.