Thoughts on friends and time. — David Brady Helps

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Thoughts on friends and time.

Based on my little hour by hour analysis, spending time with friends is a net loss. Weird, huh?


For me, there’s a high opportunity cost for spending time with my friends, I must be highly intentional and present with the friends I choose to invest time with.

Why could I throw that time away? Why waste it on people who don’t help me be a better person?

I love the friends I have. They’re important to me. There are more valuable things I could be doing; exercising or spending time with myself (something I don’t do enough). But, when I do invest time with them, I know that time is precious, scarce, and important.

If you chose to see the glass as half full, go ahead. I choose to savor every drop.

For as much noise as there is out there.

Work requires a sacrifice.