A musing about customer success. — David Brady Helps

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A musing about customer success.

I wrote this to my team.

A customer success team is a team of partners -- (someone special) always says that. 

We are partners and advisors to our providers.  Our goal is to challenge them with questions and partner with them to achieve their goals.  We are coaches.

We are not order takers and we are not customer service or support professionals.  I value service and support professionals, and their skill sets are different than ours.

Your customers, your clients, trust you to look after their investment.  They have dreams and goals they hope their investment realizes for them.  They want to tell themselves a better story about themselves and their business -- they want you to help make that happen. 

Never take the responsibility you have for granted.

I think you could say that about almost any profession.

Coin flips.

Most underrated thing I've done all year