Why can't disagreeing be fun?

What if “passionately disagreeing” was fun? And as the level of “fun” rises does “seriousness” fall?

Disagreeableness can mean competitive, skeptical, blunt, uncooperative, and/or insensitive. What’s not listed is: “fun.”

The opposite of disagreeable is agreeable. Attributes of agreeable people: trusting, cooperative, considerate, sincere, and modest. What’s not listed: “fun.”

The idea of “fun” or “play” doesn’t appear to be a factor of any type and intensity of agreeableness. “Seriousness” the same — it doesn’t appear attached to agreeableness.

“Play” and “seriousness” are also not opposites of each other — they can exist at the same time. I “play” music and I am “serious” about how I play.

If all that is true, then disagreements ought to be seriously fun.

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Two interesting questions.