Thoughts on beliefs

Economists Writing Every Day wrote a post about Persistent Beliefs that caught my attention.

Essentially, for beliefs to persist they must:

  1. Be transferred from generation to generation;

  2. Persist within the person as well as their culture group; and,

  3. Be productive.

I’m reflecting now…

I’ve done so many things in my life, good and bad. I’ve seen so many things. Heard so many things. Tasted so many things… believed so many things. I don’t know that I have many beliefs that truly persist for me.

I am not influenced by the beliefs of my family. I realize that sounds harsh and, possibly sad. However, it’s not sad for me. I don’t have kids, and there’s no need for me to adopt or persist with a belief for the purposes of passing it on.

I am not influenced by the beliefs of the religion I grew up with. I’ve seen there are many other gods, and many other ways to connect one’s self with something higher.

I seem to be most influenced by things I read, or how I perceive the moment I’m in. Given new inputs, I make Bayesian updates to my worldview and move on.

If I have any persistent belief… it is a belief in some type of universal human truth. That we all have a desire for someone to believe in us, and we all desire to matter to someone(s) or something(s).

That truth persists through time and transcends culture.

Most of the problems live in our head

Rethinking skills