The theory of rising expectations and oreos — David Brady Helps

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The theory of rising expectations and oreos

I’m not done with Oreos yet.

The theory of rising expectation as described by Richard Farson in “Management of the Absurd” states:

Discontent rises as situations and circumstances become better.

Farson offers us three levels of discontent:

  1. Low-level: complaining about working conditions.

  2. High-order: altruistic complaints.

  3. Metagrumbles: under utilization of talents.

Acquiring Mega Stuffed Oreos will only improve conditions which correlates to rising discontent.

I thought deeper though, wouldn’t I want the Mega Stuffed Oreos to not only be a short term gain but also a way to show my engagement with the team. I threw that idea quickly because if I was seeking more engagement, then why would I induce a sugar crash?

The marginal value of a cookie

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