Returns to judgment

You can’t make something from nothing. Physics says no. However, you can make something from something.

“Get better at making shrimp and eggs by noticing your spice cabinet a bit more. And get better at being creative by learning to stop, notice, take from what's around you, and then start imagining what might be better.” — Me from a 2021 post

Noticing is an act that allows you to access a world beyond your immediate perception. By getting better at noticing you see things you might not have seen before — then the work starts.

Now that you see things, what will you do with them?

The creative isn’t creative because they are mystical and can access energy plains you could only dream of. No. They are creative because they’ve developed the skill of noticing.

Learning how to notice doesn’t require a complex process — it’s simple — observe more, judge less.

Simple things aren’t easy, and anything hard is usually worth it.

I don’t know anybody that claims greater returns to judgment. Rather, the returns they often tout come from stilling the mind and listening more.

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