Just because we can does it mean we should

I’m tossing and turning with the questions of can and should.

A hotel is planned for construction in Las Vegas. The hotel will be managed by AI. AI will scrape the Internet for data about its guests and personalize the experience based on its learnings. Just because we can ultra-personalize, does that mean we should?

A long time ago, a group of scientists got together and learned how to split the atom. Engineers came in and learned how to take that science and create a bomb. They could make the bomb, and they later dropped it on two places in Japan. Should they have?

The answer as to if we should seems to emerge from a study of history. But careful, even that is up for debate. It’s just as easy to write that dropping a bomb on Nagasaki was a bad idea because of the terror it created as it is to say it was the only way to stop a deadly war. I argue it’s impossible to assess right from wrong in that scenario because it comes down to the framework you use for seeing the world.

So because I can order the pizza, should I?

The tradeoff of can and should

Delaying decision making