Joinining in the joke

The absurdity of life is that in our attempt to make the most of everything, ultimately, everything gets frozen over and we die. Nothing lasts forever. But in spite of knowing that, we work and work and work and work -- the grind, grit, and the rigor of it all.

Actors often share that the way to play comedy is to not play comedy. To approach a comedic scene "straight" means to approach the scene with the seriousness of a Shakespeare play. The audience sees the obvious in-congruence -- seeing something silly done by someone who appears unaware of its silliness -- and laughs. If the actor were to break, or join in on the joke, then the scene may cease to be funny.

However, perhaps joining in the joke is an appeal for some.

Again, we're met with the absurdity of comedy -- attempts to play it straight reveal it for what it truly is -- life -- and perhaps that's the real joke.

Inspired by Jason Zinoman's NYT article Losing It on Live TV. Quote:

"Breaking is a failure. That’s also its appeal. After all, human weakness is comedy’s greatest subject."

The insanity of focus

High School Superforecasters We Are Not