Warm and fuzzies of a different kind

I don’t get the warm fuzzies from being together with my family. That’s not a sensation or sentiment that I register.

Instead, I believe I receive an adjacent sentiment — not the same, but perhaps in the same genre. A feel good feeling from making sure my siblings have what they need, from knowing I spent a few moments with my parents, or other activities that fall in the category of “being present for others.”

Some might call it paternal, others might say that’s the role of the eldest… some call it “papa bear” instincts. Who knows. I don’t have a kid, so hard to know if that’s my “inner dad.” What I do know, it’s a form of servant leadership I very much find fulfillment engaging with every now and then.

Sending a shout out to my family. Happy they’re ok.

Prediction market thoughts

Science is real thought