David Brady Helps

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What will trample your happiness?

There may be things in your life that if you do them, the amount of happiness received would be so high that any amount of trampling would be impossible.

Would it be seeing your favorite artist? Would it be enjoying your favorite food? What is it?

And, whatever it is, how big in scale is that thing? My hunch: it’s largely large scale.

And if it’s large scale, it’s probably not easily attainable. And if it’s not easily attainable, then is the delay of achievement actually a form of trample?

In systems, feedback delays can hamper or improve the performance of a system. And, in the system that is our person, I wonder how many delays to happiness we allow to persist?

And if we reduced the delay to happiness, would we really need the large scale happiness things?

I realize this post is more question than insight… but that’s what brings me happiness.

I will not be trampled.