Where's the carrot? — David Brady Helps

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Where's the carrot?

Where's the carrot?

I recently attended a concert by a college friend of mine.

The concert showcased her original work, and I am proud of her. However, she made a mistake that I see artists make time-after-time.

"Folks, thanks for coming out to join me. Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Spotify, Facebook, sign up for my newsletter, let's keep in touch, stream my music, etc."

Now to the carrot.

Do you remember the cartoons with Elmer Fudd dangling a carrot above Bugs Bunny's hole? Elmer hoped to lure Bugs from his home to capture him. While Bugs never fell for the trick, the analogy is a good one.

We use carrots to inspire action from those we seek to serve.

Back to my friend.

Where's the carrot?

What's the enticement to reach out to you?

I've just been given four to five different ways to connect, I'm a busy person, make this easy for me, dangle the carrot.

If you want people to engage with you, dangle the carrot. Make it easy.

Direct them to one page with a link to what you want them to do - subscribe, open Spotify, buy a piece of merch, pay you money, or whatever else you can think of someone to do.

If you want to see results, dangle the carrot.

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