My well-laid plans are no longer my foundation. — David Brady Helps

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My well-laid plans are no longer my foundation.

“Plans are made. Plans come apart. New delights or tragedies pop up in their place. And nothing human or divine will map out this life, this life has been more pain than I could have imagined. More beautiful than I could have imagined.

My well-laid plans are no longer my foundation. I can only hope that my dreams, my actions, my hopes are leaving a trail for Zach and Toban so whichever way the path turns, all they find is Love.” - “Everything Happens for a Reason” , Kate Bowler.

If you read the book, you’ll read the story of a woman who planned her plans. She needed to feel a tremendous sense of security, of control. You get to experience her wrestle with that addiction; and you get to see capitulate to the overwhelming force of fate.

The end of the book brought it all together for me - it’s not about plans, life never goes according to plan. It’s about what you do in this moment for the benefit of others.

Over and in the next week

Everything Happens for a Reason