Over and in the next week — David Brady Helps

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Over and in the next week

This week and next week I’ll have attended 2 memorial services. I didn’t lose anybody in my family, but friends lost people. How appropriate that I should have just completed the book that I’ve been gushing over the last two days.

I reflected on both experiences and I realized that I feel a deep sense of “loss.” Loss of what? Time.

Every moment needs to count.

There isn’t enough time for things that don’t add value. And adding value doesn’t mean “there’s something in it for me.” What’s been a value add in the last 24-48 hours?

  • Working at my parents with my dad sitting nearby listening.

  • Talk with my mom.

  • Making food for loved ones.

  • Reading a book.

  • Declining a gig.

  • Spending time with myself.

  • Aggressively try to get through a project that I want to win at.

There wasn’t time to do anything but those things.

When I pass from this world into the next - whatever it may be, I don’t need a memorial. Rather, I hope the people in my life are able to say, “It sucks he’s gone, it will certainly be quieter around here, I’ll miss him giving me shit, and now back to the work the matters.”

There isn’t time for anything else.

It's that time of year... the trap.

My well-laid plans are no longer my foundation.