It's okay if the test fails, it's a test. — David Brady Helps

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It's okay if the test fails, it's a test.

Try something out and see how it goes. Let others know what you’re trying to do, show your work, and let them know when you fail.

  • The ones you showed your work to may have ideas to help you test better in the future.

  • It’s a good practice to let others know when you have failed - it makes you comfortable with failure.

  • A peace can be found in closing the books.

It’s okay if the test fails. It’s just a test.

Your life is a series of failures. And you likely have, as Churchill stated, jumped from “one failure to the next with no less of enthusiasm.”

Perhaps that’s why I’m so happy :)

Clarity over certainty.

Take a beat. You're going to be fine.