Customer service quick thought — David Brady Helps

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Customer service quick thought

It’s nice to greet people as they walk in to your store.

If your head is down, you are not paying attention to that person, and you don’t make eye contact… are you achieving the effect of a greeting?

In the United States/Americas, the greeting has evolved. From Indigenous rituals from first nations, to “how do you do” by European colonizers, to “hi” and “hello” in the 1800s. Different regions of the United States have different greetings — “howdy” for instance.

I’m imagining we maintain these norms for social cohesion, etiquette, cultural expectations, respect for others, and perhaps to help reinforce a customer’s belief that they will extra value from their purchasing experience.

Regarding eye contact — direct eye contact for too long is not considered a norm, and it’s not an absolute requirement in our culture. That said, it shows respect, demonstrates attentiveness, and establishes a connection.

The greeting impacts our wallet now. Greetings are commercialized — greeting cards, digital greetings, and personalization reduce the formality and perhaps the meaning of the greeting itself. As consumers, perhaps we no longer expect being truly welcomed, but we expect the superficial act of welcoming.

The paradox between engaging in a ritual to establish connection and demonstrate cultural etiquette yet remain distant and inattentive.

Such is my experience at Starbucks.

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