David Brady Helps

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Being Human is Simple.

The human-animal needs two things to survive:

  • Find sources of safety; and

  • Avoid threats.

The human-animal is simple.  

All we need to do, to survive, is to find safety and avoid threats.  

How come we're not doing this?


You are safe when you're:

  • Free to create.

  • Able to express your point of view without fear of harm.

  • Have the back of another in your tribe.

  • Know that the others in your tribe have your back.

  • Gladly allow yourself to follow.

  • Others place themselves in your charge to lead.

  • You have a "home."

  • You have shelter from the physical, psychological, and spiritual elements.

  • You love.

  • Others love you.

  • You are accepted as you are.

  • You can be different, and different is okay.

  • You bring all of your skills to bear and accomplish a task.

  • You see the impact of your accomplishments.

  • You made a change that mattered.

  • You are you.


Threats are:

  • Muzzled creativity.

  • Forced compliance.

  • People talk about you behind your back. They're not direct.

  • No trust for anyone.

  • Tyrannical bosses.

  • Employees that don't believe in you.

  • Rooms with walls. They're not home.

  • You don't have shelter from physical, psychological, or emotional terrors.

  • You don't love yourself or others.

  • You feel others don't love you.

  • No one accepts you.

  • You can't be different. You are forced to be like everyone else.

  • You are not leveraging your skills to accomplish a task.

  • You don't see the impacts of your work.

  • Your work doesn't matter.

  • You are not you.

Our brains don't see the difference between a lion trying to kill you (physical threat) and a feeling of distrust for those around you. It considers both instances as threats. When it perceives these threats, it puts brain chemistry into action to support your survival - most notably, cortisol.  

You can find tons of articles relating to cortisol and its purpose on the Internet. Lots of people write and know about this hormone. What I want you to leave with is:

  • Being human is simple.

  • It's not complicated.

  • We make it complicated.

  • If you're in a threatening situation (see above) - get out. Quit.

Do what makes you come alive.   
Find others who think and speak like you.  
Those people are looking for someone like you.  
Lead them.  

They are safe.