Leave a Legacy — David Brady Helps

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Leave a Legacy

Leave a Legacy

Be the change you want to see in the world. Then, let others take your torch and spread your vision; this is a legacy.  

Being proud of yourself requires you to see the impact of your work. To do this, you are required to think about how you'd like the world to change after you're gone; this is deep.

In my life, I've struggled to see my impact on the people I've touched. I never felt the need to think so deeply about my actions; I was wrong. I did not accept compliments, appreciation, and other forms of recognition well. As a result, I never truly felt fulfilled, happy, in my work, and my life. I changed my life.  

As a leader, I was encouraged to rethink my role in the lives that were in my charge; I needed a new perspective.  

  • I accepted the responsibility I had to lead and support the humans in my care.

  • I created a vision of the world I wanted to create. I also communicated that vision to the team.

  • I did my best to act with intention. I shared what I was going to do and why before I did. Finally,

  • I allowed those I care about to support me, tell me I am wrong, and share the journey with me.

Admittedly, I felt uncomfortable when asked about what my legacy would be in my last role. I still feel uneasy when asked. But my mind changed when I realized that it's not about me.  

Legacy is not about you. It's about the people you support. It's about bringing these people around something bigger than themselves. It's about being the one to carry the torch. It's about being comfortable to hand the torch to someone else when the time is right. Legacy is the culture we create for the people we love, care and support. Leave a legacy.

You Are Not Your Mind

You Are Not Your Mind

You Overthink. Stop.